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with Caroline Raphael

  • Writer's pictureCaroline Raphael

Importance of understanding building plans - it can cost if you don't!

If you have never had to build, renovate or design of plans before this can be a very daunting process. Each number, line, symbol means something unique and specific. If you are unfamiliar or unsure of what these all mean, it means you may make a mistake during the building and design process that can be very costly.

It is super important you get to know your plan and get it as near as perfect as possible before you start building. Reason being, to change on paper doesn’t cost much but to change once building or renovating has started can be a huge expense. Especially if materials have already been purchased – such as window frames, tiles, doors and timbers, which often get ordered very early on.

Mistakes can be made and be costly

One mistake I made which ended up being costly was not understanding what the plumbing symbols meant in bathrooms and since I have started supporting others with design, I have realised that it is not just me, that most others when not understanding the symbols would have made the same mistake as me. For example, this symbol means that you are agreeing to having your drain placed in the middle of the shower area, which is fine if that is where you wanted your drain to go.

But if what you actually had in mind was a more modern looking drain option such as this:

Putting the time to get to know your plans and all its intricacies before building, renovating and or re-decorating starts can save you a lot of stress, time and money in the long run.

Building/Renovating Design Tip 101:

  • Measure everything out and play with the space. By measuring out the space of the room and then measuring where everything will go and marking it out on the floor will give you a great sense of what will work and what wont. It will also support you to get a feel for the flow of the space and whether it will create a flow of harmonious movement or create blockages that will make ease of access and movement difficult.

  • If you use boxes (adding height and depth) to mark out the spaces this will also give you more of a feel and understanding of how the objects fit within the space and how you can easily or not move around them.

  • Restricted movement can and does cause you undue stress and anxiety, often without even realising it.

  • Our spaces and the flow of them make a huge difference to our emotional and mental state of being. A home that flows, allows you freedom of unrestricted movement giving you space to be in joy and harmony, a space that is restricted creates tension and directly impacts on your mood and ability to enjoy life. Ever bumped into something more than once in the space of a minute and you will know exactly what I am talking about.


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