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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Raphael

The Importance of Detail

When building, it can get overwhelming and if we are not careful, an energy of “that will do” or “it doesn’t matter, just pick that, or just do that” can creep in.

We have all heard the saying, “the devil is in the detail”, not sure who made that saying up or why, but it is simply not true. The detail is what finishes your home and adds to the final level of settlement you will feel when in it.

Remember a bit of extra time in the short term will add to the space of your home in the long term.

Details such as where you place your door/cupboard handles can and do make a massive difference to the overall outcome. The wrong placement of a handle can be the death of a beautifully designed and crafted cabinetry.

The other day I was having a moment of contemplation sitting with a cup of tea at my office window seat. And I was drawn to looking at the placement of my door handles on my cabinetry. I was blown away by the feeling of it and had a moment of, “how did I know to do that”. I also had an intense level of appreciation for my cabinetry maker Rodney Lees, who spent hours with me, joy-fully going over the exact precise position of each handle for every draw and cupboard in my home – and there were heaps. He and I, at one with a science we didn’t really understand but both appreciating that every angle and placement made a huge difference to the overall feel of the home.

Sitting in my office that morning I got to appreciate and be held in the beauty of that placement – it confirming in me that I was part of something bigger and grander than just the aesthetics of a home.

Heaven Is In the Detail

So, we could say, instead of, “the devil in the detail”, we could say “Heaven Is In The Detail”. That is exactly how it felt to me, sitting in my beautiful office appreciating its every detail and the heavenly space it offers.

Building/Renovating Design Tip 101:

I know it can be overwhelming during the building or renovating process. There is so much to do, so many decisions, taking up so much time. This is a short-term dilemma, which can be supported by dropping other things in your life that don’t require them to be a priority in that moment. Making the time to focus on the home build so you can give attention to the detail, is worth it in the long run.


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