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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Raphael

Wardrobe Review – are your drawers keeping up?

The other day I got the impulse to re-arrange and re-organise the drawers in my walk-in-wardrobe. Just like we change so to does our home. I started to notice the way my drawers had originally been set up were no longer working for me the way they once did. Over the years they had got a bit more dis-organised and a bit more messy.

Rather than get annoyed and overwhelmed I sat with it and felt into what needed to change. The answer that came? Shelf dividers! I got some really great one’s from Kmart, but I am sure you can source them from anywhere.

Taking the time to sort through and re-arrange my drawers felt like a therapy session. As I cleaned and re-sorted, I discovered there were things that I no longer needed or wanted – so as I culled and re-organised it felt like my wardrobe draws were coming back to life. They literally started to gleam. What I discovered was even though I didn’t get rid of much, just in the re-organising I had created more space. I even discovered that the content of some drawers would work better swapped around with other drawers, in doing so I could feel that this would support with a new way of moving and flowing in my space.

Just from this I have discovered a new love for my walk-in-wardrobe – I have always loved it – now I love it more.

We are constantly growing and expanding (and I am not referring to weight and girth 🥰) so to do our homes. I often wondered where the term spring clean came from and now I know – it is to clean out the old make way for the new so that it can all flourish again.

Tips 101:

  • When sorting out drawers and cupboards it can be like going shopping – you discover things you forgot you had. Bonus!

  • Play around with your space – feel into what works and what does not – don’t worry about how much time it takes – it will be worth it in the end.

  • Shoes and or bags do not always have to be stored in your walk-in wardrobe – wardrobe space can be precious so deciding what can be in there and what does not need to be will create a tonne of space.

  • Consider storing shoes in entrance hallways or the garage (this works well for people who like to take their shoes of when entering their home) Many companies now make shoe storage cabinets that look great and do not take up space.

  • Consider getting a de-cluttering session if your wardrobe feels like it is overwhelming you.


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