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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Raphael

De stress your life - get organised. Part One

When designing and building our homes, it can be easy to overlook the finer details, especially when the bigger details require more of our immediate attention.

I totally understand this, building, renovating, designing takes a lot of time and we can get caught in the “let me get through this stage and then I will worry about the smaller details later.” But sometimes this, as much as it makes sense at the time, can actually cause you more work in the long run.

Each room comes with a list of its own unique requirements and the seemingly little details are super important to the overall flow of each of these rooms. Everyone is different and how we like to set up our spaces can vary greatly. What works for one, does not necessarily work for another.

Bathroom Example: When I was building my home, I knew that in my bathroom vanity, I wanted a pull out draw specific for my hairdryer and hair products, this included wanting a power point to be located at the back of the draw, so all the cords were neatly tucked away, and the dryer was always plugged in for easy and quick use. The reasons being:

One, because, I have a busy life and the small detail of having to constantly plug and unplug a hair drying and put it away every time is not something I like to do,


Two, because, I really don’t like to see the cords and have that messy feel in my space. This was not how I wanted to start my day or end my day when I came back in the afternoon and saw the cords and dryer out.

I knew that taking the time to plan so this did not occur would be worth it in the long run.

To achieve this, I measured my hair dryer and related products to ensure that I had the draw made to the exact specifications required for all the products to fit easily.

This included wanting to make sure the draw was high enough for all the products to stand up and not have to lie down. Important to me because when the bottles/jars of product are nearly empty and have been lying down, I find it is harder to get the product out, and hence takes up my valuable time, aka I don’t have to stand there banging the bottle to get out what I need 😊

Walk in Wardrobe Example: Over the years I have discovered ways that I like to store my clothes and shoes. Because of this I knew exactly what I wanted hung, what I wanted in cupboards and what I wanted on shelves. All of my wardrobe content considered so I could design a wardrobe that accommodated all of my preferences. I made sure that I measured everything out to work exactly with how I wanted it to, this included working out how high each draw needed to be to store my t-shirts, pyjamas, scarfs and etc.

For example, I knew how many t-shirts I liked to stack on top of each other and wanted some of the draws to be that height, so I didn’t waist space. This took quite a bit of time but in the long run I am so glad I did.

I even went to the detail of measuring my shoes, to make sure that I built my shoe racks to fit all my shoes utilising as much space as possible. I made sure I had enough shelves high enough to accommodate my high heels and made sure I had enough smaller shelves to accommodate my low shoes. If I had just stuck to one height fits all, this would have wasted so much space, as obviously my flat shoes did not need as much room as my high ones.

Every time I go to select my shoes, 5 years on, I still appreciate and love the design. Every time I leave my Walk in Wardrobe I feel complete, I don’t have any thoughts of “I wish I had done this or should have done that”.

What I love about giving myself the space to design to this level of detail, I now have a home that works with me, and does not fight me. I never feel frustrated that a cupboard door is opening the wrong way restricting my flow of movement, instead, there has never been a day in my home that I have not had a deep appreciation for how supportive and gorgeous it is and how loved in it I feel.

Everything about it says, I am worth it! Who knew your home could support you with self-esteem 😍

Tips 101:

  • Take the time to consider what can wait and what cannot – somethings like power points need to be built in at the time (as in can’t be added later) so it is worth doing at the time

  • Take the time to feel into whether you like to hang your clothes or fold them – this will determine how much hanging/draw space you will need

  • Take the time to consider what way you want your cupboard doors to open – this really does make a difference to the flow and spaciousness of a room

  • Consider cost – somethings can wait but will cost a lot more to do later – other things can wait and won’t cost more to do later. Worth waying up what can wait and what can’t to support with budgeting decision. If you are not sure get advice.


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